Sunday, August 28, 2011



1)Which is the biggest archiplago of world?

2)Which is the highest peak of the continent Europe?
=Mt Ulbrul

3)Which is the longest river of the world with it's length?
=Nile(6690 km)

4)which is the fifth biggest country of the World?

5)In which Continent does the Atlas range falls?

6)which is the biggest river of the world and in which continent does it falls?
= River Amazon(south America)

7)which is the biggest national park of Nepal with it's area?
=shey phoksundo (3555 sq km)

8)which is the biggest island of continent north America?

9)which is the fourth highest peak of world?
=Mt lothse

10)Which is the 2nd biggest sea of the world?
=Caribbean sea

11)Which is the 3rd biggest lake of the world?
=lake Vitoria

12)which is the longest river of the Asia?
=Angti kang

13)what is the longest river of Nepal with it's length?
=karnali (507 km)

14)Which is the biggest district of NepaL with it's area?
=Dolpa (7889 sq km)

15)which is the smallest district of Nepal with it's area?
=Bhaktapur (119 sq km)

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